Also at the University of Kassel, Germany, especially if you take a program with Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, heading MA LPG of Global Labour University (GLU) Programme Germany; MA GPE (Global Political Economy); Promotionskollege Global Social Policies and Governance; and International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD) — if you’re a Jew or Muslim woman, they won’t give you a place to stay in Kassel. You’d have to stay in some village outside of Kassel, Germany.
These Nazis organize field trips for their Hun students. Everybody gets to go; only Jewish and Muslim women won’t be part of the group.
Another German Barbarian responsible for Nazism at the University of Kassel is some student-teacher perhaps by the name of Barbara Dickhaus — some Hun bitch. She’s the one who wouldn’t allow Jewish and Muslim women to be part of the Hun group that goes on field trips.
Now, of course, the Germans have no business visiting Belgium. And people from Belgium never visit Germany. But, Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, talking Nazi governance with his dullard programs, sends out his dull Huns in that direction repeatedly. It’s a part of their annoying German Hun politics. Yet, swines from the University of Kassel should be kept in check. They have no business talking “governance” either. In fact, nobody even wants to hear this word from them.
As regards Ms. Barbara Dickhaus — she’s just a smelly cunt jealous of Jewish and Muslim women because she’s going to Hell for all the crimes her cunt has committed and goes on committing. She scratches it all the time, it smells worse each day. Besides, she’s very ugly. All German Barbarians are very ugly. Ms. Barbara Dickhaus, University of Kassel, is a poor bitch who gets jealous of beautiful women.