Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dullard Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, MA Global Political Economy (GPE), University of Kassel

Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, Kassel University, is not just insane because he would like all female students to imagine he’s everything they ever looked for in a man, but also because he imagines he can compete with people like Amartya Sen. Germany can support its Nazis, but we don’t believe in that support system. Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep will never win the Nobel Prize because all of his thoughts are bum-pasted. He’s a bum follower — cannot get beyond his mediocrity. But he will rape or kill or rob if you know he’s insane. That’s Nazi for you. Big head, small balls.

The professor is filled with hatred. For example, he’s envious of people who went to the best universities in the world. He believes those people stole his poor man’s rights because they were gifted with whatever they were gifted with. Likewise, because people from his social class are not allowed to think original and be creative, he cannot understand the meaning of intellect.

He’s a professor in tennis shoes. Doesn’t even know the difference between universities and brothels.